Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Greetings from the new boss of this blog!

Hi this is Jenny, Amy's awesome sister. I have hijacked her blog and decided to post something on it, because she has been a slacker and hasn't posted ANYTHING.
For anyone wondering, no she is not still in Europe, she got back in May. Amy is still grateful for stuff, and I'm sure she has a lot more to say about her travels, but that is all for now. This summer has gone by uneventfully, but Amy did get a new job and started her junior year at BYU-I. Yay! So exciting. Right now Amy is in a competition with her friend Mark to see who can read the whole Harry Potter series first. Amy is, so far, 10 pages into the book. Mark is almost done with the 2nd book. I think you can all join me in wishing Amy good luck, but we all know who is going to win this thing (Begins with an "M", ends with an "ark").
This weekend we had to opportunity to go see David Archuleta with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir for their Christmas Concert. Sweet! It was awesome. He has an amazing voice, and yes, I will be marrying him in a few years. :) I wanted to go introduce myself after the concert, but I don't think security would have let me jump onto the stage and hug him. It wouldn't go over too well...
I would also like to add that the new Harry Potter 7 film is awesome. Amy thinks so, too. If you haven't seen it yet, then go tomorrow and buy some tickets and some popcorn and be prepared to have your mind BLOWN. I was freaking out all night after I saw it.
Well, I hope that you have all enjoyed my quick overview of life. I will make sure that I get back to you soon, because I know that Amy won't. Merry Christmas!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Here are a few things that I never knew were luxuries... until now:

-restaurants that don't charge you more to sit and eat, rather than just take away.
-free toilets
-toilets that actually have a toilet seat
-having the right of way at a cross-walk... they will just barrel right on over ya!
-eating more than bread and hot chocolate for breakfast

I love learning all these things first-hand. Quite interesting the things that are different between cultures....

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

an overload of awesomeness...

Here I sit in Paris, my last night here before we head off to Rome, and I don't quite know what to do with myself. Ever since I left SLC, everything I have seen has been awesome. First airplane flight (I discovered that I LOVE flying), seeing Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the National Gallery, British Library, walking the streets of London and seeing all the adorable houses, Salisbury Catherdral, riding the tube for the first time (the metro is less than desierable after so many times :)), enjoying the Effiel Tower, Notre Dame, Arc de Triomphe, seeing all the square trees in France, etc, etc, etc... I could go on for days! Literally, everywhere I turn I see another something that is awesome. My mind can't handle all this awesomeness I see... but I love it incredibly. I throughly enjoy beinging a foreign country, like L-O-V-E it. I get random bursts of overwhelming excitement. Tis fabulous.

I can't wait to write of all of my adventures, but for not it is extremely late and we are leaving at 3:00 tomorrow morning to enjoy warm and exciting Rome! Plus this computer is no go; confusing European keyboards.... Stay tuned for more details!!!

p.s.- Thanks to Tammy, my sister, for the header of awesomeness! Love her... And you can get one too here!

Monday, March 22, 2010

an afternoon with fiona

katie: do you like snow, fiona?
fiona: no
jenny: do you like saying no?
fiona: no
amy: do you like saying yes?
fiona: no
tammy: do you like saying maybe?
fiona: no
grandma: fiona, are you contrary?
fiona: yes

Friday, March 12, 2010

word of the year

pro·ac·tive \prō-ˈak-tiv\

*Action and result oriented behavior, instead of the one that waits for things to happen and then tries to adjust (react) to them. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

*Tending to initiate change rather than reacting to events. (The Free Dictionary)

*(of a person, policy, or action) creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened. (Oxford American Dictionary)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

i'm back!

Yes, I know it has been way too long since last post. No, I did not go anywhere; I am still here in lovely Rexburg enjoying school. I have had a "blogger's block" and did not have any amazing, shocking, or horrifying stories to tell. But, I realize now that each post doesn't have to be some elaborate story with incredible pictures included! I can post about any random thing I want to. I'm not taking on the task of keeping up a blog to please others (although I do appreciate those that follow my blog, don't get me wrong). This is just another way for me to express me and keep track of the goings-on in my life. So there. :)

I have also decided that being a procrastinator is no good. So taking better care of my blog is one of my first steps to becoming a non-procrastinator person. It is definitely a working progress though. And as for now, today is turning out to be a fantastic day!!! Here are some things that make me happy at the moment:

-hot showers
-Jack Johnson
-fog (as always)
-The olympics
-visiting teaching
-amazing friends
-My family foundations class (a.k.a. the best class ever invented)
-Pepperidge Farm's wheat crisps
-mint brownies
-exercise!!! (to work off the mint brownies)
-lunch with my bestie
-and of course, my family :)