Thursday, February 25, 2010

i'm back!

Yes, I know it has been way too long since last post. No, I did not go anywhere; I am still here in lovely Rexburg enjoying school. I have had a "blogger's block" and did not have any amazing, shocking, or horrifying stories to tell. But, I realize now that each post doesn't have to be some elaborate story with incredible pictures included! I can post about any random thing I want to. I'm not taking on the task of keeping up a blog to please others (although I do appreciate those that follow my blog, don't get me wrong). This is just another way for me to express me and keep track of the goings-on in my life. So there. :)

I have also decided that being a procrastinator is no good. So taking better care of my blog is one of my first steps to becoming a non-procrastinator person. It is definitely a working progress though. And as for now, today is turning out to be a fantastic day!!! Here are some things that make me happy at the moment:

-hot showers
-Jack Johnson
-fog (as always)
-The olympics
-visiting teaching
-amazing friends
-My family foundations class (a.k.a. the best class ever invented)
-Pepperidge Farm's wheat crisps
-mint brownies
-exercise!!! (to work off the mint brownies)
-lunch with my bestie
-and of course, my family :)