Saturday, October 10, 2009


So I was power walking through the BYU-I bookstore yesterday while making my daily hike up to the Hinckley from the Snow (for those you who don't know the ridiculous distance between these two buildings, try hiking a mile uphill on a 90 degree angle in 10 minutes). Anyways, as I was huffing and puffing my way through the bookstore, I got stuck behind a slow walker. Isn't it just infuriating to get caught behind someone slow when you're in a hurry? Pet peeve right here. So I signal into the other lane of walking traffic to pass this nuisance to all society when he turns his head back towards me and and asks me where I'm headed to. 
"The Hinkley. Where are you going?"
"The Tay-Tay."
"Tay-Tay, eh? What's your name?"
"Really. You are my new best friend."
And in the next two minutes it took to walk to the 'Tay-Tay', I learned that Jo-saihhhhh wanted to name his future daughter Kameria which is some mythological disease that actually kills people, and when you are in a shark attack (which happens all the time, obviously) you are to:
1. punch the shark in the nose because that is how it detects fish miles away and this would disorientate it terribly
2. gouge its eyes out at the same time (apparently this is vital in defeating a shark when it is about to eat you) and
3. rip its gills in the opposite direction they lay. No biggie right?

I don't know who the heck this guy was and I will probably never see him again but he sure made my whole week. I can only hope I can brighten and educate someone's day just as this Jo-siahhhh did for me. 


Ben McAffee said...

hahahahahaha pretty sure that just made MY day... and this is stacey. not ben. sorry. :)

Tammy Chenault said...

Haha, that is hilarious. I need to hear you say jo-siahhhh the way he did.

Lindsay Clove said...

Bahaha! Oh dear. I'm going to be laughing about that for a while!