Sunday, July 26, 2009

favorite things

Just like Oprah, I have my own favorite things list. Near the top the list is the Reflections of Christ CD. This has to be my all-time favorite gospel CD ever! Each and every one these inspirational numbers evokes such spirituality and I love how unique each song is. While listening to it today, I thought I should share my enjoyment with everyone (even though there are few that will read this). If you do not already own it, then I highly, highly recommend you should. Every track is a favorite, but Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing and Be Still, My Soul are absolutely breath taking. I still get chills every time I listen to those two. The DVD is also the best and it portrays Jesus Christ's life in a new light. Love it!


Sean and Shalie Beck said...

Amy i did not know you had a blog! We need to get together soon!

Ben and Stacey said...

what the heck why am i JUST finding out about this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????? I'm BEYOND excited! i love it! so happy so happy so happy! GO YOU! and it is way fun! so cute. makes me miss you more though. i can't wait to see you- yes i will be up sometime next week! briefly- but we are definitely hanging out. LOVE YOU!

Rowbury Adventures said...

Hey! I just randomly found your blog and wanted to say hi! What are you up to these days babe?

Abbie said...

Amy you are the cutest girl in the world!! And I am so happy I found your blog!!!! How are you doing?!